



SJT, 即Situational Judgement Tests, 中文为情景判断测试,是雇主们常用的Online test的一种。它主要通过设置一系列的真实工作中可能遇到的场景(大多以视频形式),让 candidates 选择在某种情况下会做出什么反应,从而判断他们的能力和个性特点,是否适合公司文化,最后决定是否录用的过程。

关于SJT的特点及考核形式,U盐君在微博上曾有过简要的介绍,小伙伴们可以前去查阅 - “缺的那勺盐” https://www.weibo.com/u/6508286212 (中英文对照版)


I. 不同的行业和职位,SJT考查的要点是不同的,比较偏向软实力的检测,注重情商多于智商。

II. 我们选择的是“最适合的”,而不是“正确的”。很多时候我们答题会有种定性思维,觉得多选题只有一个正确答案,其余都是错的,但在SJT里,我们常会觉得每个选项都看似很有道理,但其中一个就是比别的更合适哦~


“A customer calls the customer service line. He says that because he has waited so long, he is now in a hurry and doesn’t have much time to speak. Which of the following is the most appropriate response from the representative? ”


a. Apologizing for the long wait

b. Suggesting a better time for the customer to call when the line is less busy, so that he has time to discuss his problem.

c. Proceeding at your usual pace in order to work through the customer’s problem.

d. Adjusting yourself to his behavior and showing urgency.



  • 首先,道歉是必然的,作为客服代表,无法及时解决顾客的问题,让他等那么久,当然要道歉。可道歉明显不是“最适合的”,因为服务客户的最终目的永远是“解决客户的问题和需求”,道歉只能体现客服代表的态度好,不能从根本解决问题。
  • 再来看“建议顾客在不忙的时间打回来”,顾客都已经等了很长时间了,显然不希望再等,你建议他把好不容易拨通的电话放下,过些时候再打回来,本身就没有考虑到顾客“可能又要等很久”的感受,没有体现“一切以顾客为导向” (Customer Orientation) 。所以这个明显也是“不适合”的。
  • 第三个就是错误的一个反映了,因为客服代表保持原有的节奏,直接忽视了顾客“需要尽快解决问题”的需求,违背了客户至上的宗旨,这就不是“适不适合”的问题了,是根本就不对。
  • 很明显,答案就是最后一个了:客服代表调整自己的节奏,尽快为客户解决问题,体现的技能包括并不限于: Customer Orientation (以客户为导向),Developing Rapport (为客户提供支持),Active Listening (积极倾听客户需求)和Problem-solving (解决问题)。


"When an upset customer is describing a problem, which action should be avoided?"


a. Spending too much time listening to the customer’s description of the problem

b. Gently asking the customer to calm down so that you can help them

c. Suggesting that the customer speak to the manager

d. Trying to focus the customer on their original need

e. Promising to follow up on the problem resolution



  • 一定有小伙伴选a吧,因为是“Spending Too Much Time"啊,与其浪费时间听顾客一直抱怨,不如让顾客冷静下来好一起解决问题。
  • 可这个问题的答案偏偏就是b。中式思维和西方思维不一样,我们觉得是“浪费时间”,但西方人觉得“倾听顾客的抱怨能够体现对顾客的empathy (同感,共鸣)”,让顾客觉得客服是重视他们的。相反,如果客服只是让顾客冷静,而不是体现出理解他们和想要帮忙的意愿,会让顾客觉得客服代表很没耐心。


最后和大家讲的,也是最不好区分的,就是Ranking题。同样是给你一个情景,好多个选项,让你从The Most Effective(最有效的)到The Least Effective(最无效的)给他们排序。当然如果只是让你选出“最有效的”和“最无效的”两个,对小伙伴们来说可能没那么难,但如果选项有4-5个,再让你按照有效程度由高到低排序,难度就加大了许多。


“You work as a customer service representative for a phone company. This afternoon the store is rather empty and you wish to use this time to display the products for tomorrow. However, a customer walks in and asks for your recommendation for a device for his elderly mother”

Rate the effectiveness of the following responses, with 1 being the least effective and 5 being the most effective response (don’t use the same rating more than once)


a. Provide the customer with a catalogue of products he can show his mother

b. Ask the customer about his mother’s needs in a mobile phone before making a recommendation

c. Show the customer the range of products in the store and answer any questions he may have

d. Recommend a mobile phone which is simple and reliable, in your opinion

e. Apologise and ask the customer if he would mind asking another service representative

这道题U盐君先不公布答案,大家自己想 :)
